These are some activities I'm planning for preschool attendees at our Save the Frogs! Day event, which will lead into my preschool music/early learning homeschool class as well. I thought others may want to use some of these as well.
Playlist for most songs. If you have Amazon Prime music, these are songs that are currently included in that plan.
Save the Frogs music time
Music concepts:
LwOT Concepts:
Frog Jump Letters-F
Hello Song-
Hello, How are you?
Alfred the Alligator
(Alfred the puppet brings out a toy frog from the mystery box-the kids identify and talk about the frog, and what sounds it makes)
Frog calls- listen and repeat
Instrument playalong
Guiros-Galump went the little green frog
The frog (move in jumping motions)
Show pictures of real frogs/toads, discuss
5 Little Speckled frogs
LwOT activity
Frog jump Letters frog jumps- Air write
Movement w/prop
Salamanders and frogs
String quartet No 10 in Eb Scherzo (ribbons/scarves)
Instrument play
Caribbean Amphibian-Shaker play
Over in the Meadow - Here is a version we created based on our most common local frog calls.
Instrument play/Family Jam
7000 kinds of Amphibians (assorted instruments) |
Circle/Parachute play
The Axolotl Song
Goodbye song
Goodbye my friends
Materials/Instruments list
Water bottles, scrapers (popsicle sticks work well), and shaker fill guiro (frog guiro, if you have one) recordings of frog calls or Frogwatch USA stuffed frogs with recorded calls ( Assorted instruments Stuffed frogs and salamanders or pictures of real frogs and salamanders Scarves or ribbons Prepared Book: Over in the Meadow Wood or magnetic letter pieces (LWoT) Mystery box or bag Puppet if you use one (I use an alligator named Alfred in all my classes) For the water bottle guiros, collect recycled water bottles with ridges in advance, one per child. Add some shaker fill (Birdseed is good-that way if any escapes, it goes to good use), and close the lid. Seal with electrical tape or hot glue. You can add eyes and legs to make it more "Frog like" if you wish. Use a scraper to make your "frog guiro" croak, or shake to make other sounds. We will use these in some of the activities. |
Home activity suggestions:
F is for frog/Letter assembly activity, fast and slow frog calls.