Thursday, August 25, 2011

Beyond the Music-Wiggles and Giggles, week 1

Welcome, or welcome back, to a new Kindermusik semester as we wiggle and giggle! As our children move from babies to toddlers to preschoolers, they literally MOVE, and move a lot! This semester, we will celebrate that movement and that growth in songs that refer to experiences in a young child's life.

First of all, please use the class code to visit and download your class recordings. Since we don't have home materials yet, this will allow you to start listening to the music and improve your and your child's enjoyment of class each week, as you wishy, washy wee! together in your real bathtub, while washing dishes or the car, or just for fun.

Here is a cute, easy to make fish craft out of a paper plate. Why not use a big plate and a little plate, and let them explore "Above the Sea" this week? Participating in simple crafts, whether it's simply by observing and listening, coloring, or even, as a child moves into the preschool years, gluing or even cutting independently, develops fine motor skills and concentration, as well as gives a child an "I did it" feeling of accomplishment.

We still have room for a few more friends in our classes this semester. If you know someone who would love to join our Kindermusik experience, please invite them to come along and to get more information at Right now, we have openings in classes on Fridays and Saturdays.

Until next week, have fun making music!

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